Well life seems to have a way of getting away from me, I went yesterday and bought some school supplies and last week we did school pictures for two of the older kids. And we have a few litters of frenchies coming soon.
I think the hardest thing is sometimes in a house full of people and with so much to do it's hard not to let lonliness get the best of you. Sometimes even though I have plenty to do it is still hard to just be!
I have so much to do and so little energy how do you get it all done. Knitting, crocheting and sewing seam to be at a stand still so hopefuly next time I post their will be more.
However I did read 2 books by Amber Esplin, I would highly recommed these books. She has a way of bringing out incredible emotion when you read her books. The scenery and people she describes are so vivid you can almost reach out and touch it, she is very good. Have a good blog day Shawna